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Tech Byte: Biblionasium

16 Sep

A couple years ago when I was teaching 5th grade at Norton Creek – one of my fab colleagues really wanted to figure out how to have a Goodreads-type website for her classroom.  We toyed with using Edmodo but it didn’t have the flair that Goodreads had.

And now….our problem is solved! Cue lights – drum roll please……if you’re a K-8 teacher and want to get kids excited about reading and talking about books, get yourself over to Biblionasium!

biblionasium logo

I’ve put together a Google Folder that includes written directions for setting up an account, templates for organizing student username and passwords and videos that highlight the basic features to help you get started.  As always, let me know how I can support you in your classroom with using this tool!

Follow them on Twitter! @BiblioNasium